Since TourDash is out of BETA numerous TIPs and Agencies are supporting TourDash and registered themselves as an authorized TourDash reseller. We are very pleased to have more than 500 resellers at this moment!
Also what makes us happy is that more and more examples are appearing of how companies deploy TourDash as part of their online marketing. At TourDash we believe there should not be a strict distinction in online and offline. We believe in cross channel marketing, were clicks meet bricks and were online and offline channels can reinforce each other.
With many new Google Trusted Photographers and Google Trusted Agencies that use TourDash to enrich the Google Maps Business View of their clients, we come in recent weeks against some good examples of how the functionality of TourDash can be used. We would like to share this experience with you, so that you can gain new ideas and you can use those ideas on one of your tours.
We have a winner this week. We invite you to take a look at the tour of DIY-Kitchens. With a simple, but smart menu structure, they are using the advanced navigation to guide visitors through the showroom. The boundary and dynamic hotspots are used to provide the tour visitor with additional information about the kitchens and the hotspots also provide links to the company website for more detailed information and possible amenities on the specific kitchens.
Click on the image to experience the DIY Kitchens ‘Tour of the week’ yourself!
If you need to, type “letmein” in the white box at the bottom of the page to get access to the website.
Reseller: Local Exposure
Client: DIY-Kitchens