
Summer is an excellent moment to create a new photoshoot with your current customers. It is generally more quit in the shopping stores and outside the chance of a sunny appearance of the shopping window, sidewalk cafe or entree is significant. Do you have your clients approached for a new Street View Trusted?
Street View Trusted? Also a summer item, but permanently; Google Maps Business View will be renamed to Street View Trusted!

Innovation from Google based on Street View. In the future possible for Google Business View?

Google will soon release a new deep learning algorithm that could change te worlds of virtual reality and film. How cool is that?
The algorithm is using still images from Google Street View (multiple pictures) in order to determine how the images should fit together. It is a “self-learning” algorithm. It can then bring the images together into a single fluid animation, like if the viewer is watching a movie.

Glad to be part of cartographic history?

With Google Maps Business View in combination with TourDash your customer will not only be part of cartographic history and online presence. Your client will also be able to guide the online visitor through his/her shop, store or location and build in contact moments (video, forms, buttons) within the online tour. An online visitor has never been so close!
For beautiful unique locations on Google Maps look here. Then you’ll know how this beautiful environments are recorded on camera. TourDash is proud of being part of the virtual tour history and also in making a contribution to the Google Maps Business View program.

Add relevant marketing & sales information to a Google Maps Business View

More and more small businesses see the marketing opportunities TourDash offers and make use of it. TourDash combines the positive aspects of a virtual tour with various marketing capabilities. Existing channels are directly accessible in a TourDash virtual tour for visitors.
In 3 steps TourDash facilitates the marketing and sales:
1. Provide small amounts of information at the right time;
2. This short information messages offer the opportunity towards further information (website or brochure);
3. Opportunities to provide sales
TourDash is an Omni-marketing application that enables businesses to add direct marketing and sales information into their Google Maps Business View.
When customers look at a specific item additional information can be displayed to reinforce the tour impression. Now you have got the customers attention and you can force your customers to action; pay a visit to your store, orientate and order online or provide additional information.
Other online channels are bundled and linked to from TourDash. You need to think about web-shops, bookings, event calendars or brochures.
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