Hello Everyone,
we just wanted to quickly inform you on regarding what happened past weekend. During the weekend we experienced some difficulties related to our SSL which caused our services to respond with a message saying that our security credentials were not being recognised.
Depending on personal security settings some of you may or may not have experienced this message and may or may not have noticed TourDash tours not displaying.
Fortunately the matter was resolved in a whopping 47 minutes and this issue shouldn’t arise ever again. We do hope that you’ve not experienced any difficulties because of the matter but should this be the case please contact us at support@tourdash.com.
You’ll notice that the difficulties persist with http://support.tourdash.com though the site is still reachable. Any security warnings should expire within 7 days. We use an external support system which takes a bit longer to update security credentials.
In the mean time, as I pointed out above, contact support@tourdash.com should you have any questions and we will do our bests to assist you where we can.
Team TourDash
Roswell Balentien
Product Manager