TourDash Tour Discovery – The Roundhouse
The Roundhouse is a former railway engine shed in Chalk Farm, London, England. It has been converted into a performing arts and concert venue. It was originally built in 1847 by the London and North Western Railway as a roundhouse, a circular building containing a railway turntable.
Since 2006, Roundhouse has hosted the BBC Electric Proms and numerous iTunes Festivals, as well as award ceremonies such as the BT Digital Music Awards and the Vodafone Live Music Awards.
This is a richly filled tour that features boundary hotspots and a thorough implementation of the advanced navigation. Through the navigation you can quickly visit the POI’s but at the same time you can make reservations and find out more about all of the specifics environment your looking at.
TourDash Reseller
This TourDash Discovery was brought to us by its TourDash Reseller, Theo Tzia from Biztour Virtual Tours. He is the Google Certified Business View Photographer and all Biztour shoots are carried out by him.
From all of us at TourDash; Thank you very much for this work Theo, we look forward to seeing more from you in the future!
It's back! TourDash Tour of the Week
TourDash Tour of the Week was on hiatus for the past couple of weeks but we’re back with a new series of TourDash tour of the Week! However, from this point on we’ll be referring to this event as TourDash Tour Discovery! If you have any tours you’d like to submit please send them to We’re always keeping an eye out for Tours but if you’re particularly proud of a tour, share it with us!
Starting us off with the first TourDash Tour Discovery is the United Colors of Benetton.
The tour features a great minimalistic implementation that allows users to navigate through the environment via advanced navigation. At the same time they give you the opportunity to not only read about what the United Colors of Benetton stand for but also purchase some of their items.
If you want to create your own virtual tour using TourDash, register at Remember that you can only register as a TourDash reseller if you are an official Google Trusted Photographer or Agency.
Again, want your own tour submitted? Send us your tours at!
TourDash Tour of the Week | Week 23
We proudly present you this week tour of the week. It is a tour of a wellness resort that is published on an online platform where informing and inspiring people about wellness is central. This tour gives a visitor a complete picture of the site and allows the visitor to view the complete resort online, in peace. The best online orientation that is possible! In the virtual tour on the right spot, the most important sales information is added. The story of the resort is being told be means of this TourDash tour.
Providing information about the resort is not the only thing that is presented in this tour.
The online orientation for making a purchase is becoming increasingly important. Winning the trust of consumers is important and the online experience is positively influenced since mood and emotion play can be transferred using TourDash.
TourDash Reseller Spotlight
Ivo Vrancken – Ivo Vrancken | Beeldmaker
“Top quality Google Virtual Tours for businesses that appreciate good photography“.
Ivo is an image maker. His passion is the visualisation of messages and stories. In 1996 he started as a cameraman and developed into an all-round image maker. As a (self-directing) cameraman, editor and photographer with experience as a web editor and web designer, Ivo is able to create the images today’s online world is asking for. Since October 2013 Ivo is active in the Google Maps Business View program serving premium clients in, for example, the car, coffee, restaurant and wellness industry like Mini Brand Store Amsterdam and Nespresso boutique P.C. Hooftstraat, Amsterdam
If you’re located in the Utrecht area and you want to work with Ivo to realize your very own TourDash tour or if you have questions for Ivo regarding this TourDash tour, contact Ivo Vrancken!
TourDash Tour of the Week | Week 21
A new week: a new Tour of the Week!
An industry that is highly suitable to use TourDash is the hospitality industry.
If a consumer/guest is looking for a nice restaurant or cafe it is not just the menu or drinks that are of interest; the guest also want to sit in a nice surrounding with a fine atmosphere.
A smart business owner shows his restaurant or café using TourDash. By doing this the online guest, who is looking for a table that night, already can ‘taste’ the atmosphere of the establishment and is also able to make a reservation or to view today’s menu.
Stadscafé De Spaarbank in Tilburg (The Netherlands) is using TourDash since January 2014 and it helps them in their online marketing strategy to tempt the online visitor to visit De Spaarbank for a drink or a meal.
TourDash Tour of the Week | Week 20
We proudly present you this week tour of the week. Our attention was drawn to a tour that makes each room in the tour vividly through a hotspot which contains both image and text in order to describe the space. This tour allows students from all over the UK & Overseas to orient remotely and contact CODE if interested. The tour is only a few weeks online but already there is an increase in the average visit time of the website!
TourDash Reseller Spotlight
Chris Jones – LeicesterPhoto LTD
In May 2012 Chris Jones was approached by Google and trained to supply Google Maps Business View into businesses and venues.
After a very successful 2012 and With continued expansion, LeicesterPhoto became incorporated in March 2013.
If you’re located in the Leicestershire area and you want to work with a Top Performing Google Trusted Photographer, contact Chris Jones!
TourDash Tour of the Week | Week 19
Since TourDash is out of BETA numerous TIPs and Agencies are supporting TourDash and registered themselves as an authorized TourDash reseller. We are very pleased to have more than 500 resellers at this moment!
Also what makes us happy is that more and more examples are appearing of how companies deploy TourDash as part of their online marketing. At TourDash we believe there should not be a strict distinction in online and offline. We believe in cross channel marketing, were clicks meet bricks and were online and offline channels can reinforce each other.
With many new Google Trusted Photographers and Google Trusted Agencies that use TourDash to enrich the Google Maps Business View of their clients, we come in recent weeks against some good examples of how the functionality of TourDash can be used. We would like to share this experience with you, so that you can gain new ideas and you can use those ideas on one of your tours.
We have a winner this week. We invite you to take a look at the tour of DIY-Kitchens. With a simple, but smart menu structure, they are using the advanced navigation to guide visitors through the showroom. The boundary and dynamic hotspots are used to provide the tour visitor with additional information about the kitchens and the hotspots also provide links to the company website for more detailed information and possible amenities on the specific kitchens.
Click on the image to experience the DIY Kitchens ‘Tour of the week’ yourself!
If you need to, type “letmein” in the white box at the bottom of the page to get access to the website.
Reseller: Local Exposure
Client: DIY-Kitchens